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Updates 2024-06-21

· One min read
Maintainer of IGUHealth



We've updated our documentation to include a guide on how to write and run TestScripts. You can find it here.


We've finished migrating our API tests to TestScripts here. These tests are run on all PRs and the main branch.

Publishing Test Reports

We now publish test reports on our main site. You can view them here. These tests are generated off the main branch for the latest published version of our server.

Support for Variables

Variables are now supported on our TestScript runner. You can use them to create dynamic parameters for your testscripts. An example can be found here

Support for Operations and Assertions

We now support the following operations and assertions:

  • Assert: CompareToSourceExpression
  • Operation: history
  • Operation: patch


Updated Packages

  • @iguhealth/server: 0.14.33
  • @iguhealth/components: 0.7.22
  • @iguhealth/generated-ops: 0.5.15
  • @iguhealth/cli: 1.4.15
  • @iguhealth/testscript-runner: 0.0.8